Mary Immaculate Secondary School

Student Awards

Student Awards at Mary Immaculate Secondary School, Lisdoonvarna

Student Council

As part of our school community we value student input and the student voice, opinion is sought and respected and students are empowered to participate in the life of the school.

6th Year Peer Mentors:

Peer Mentors are carefully interviewed and selected to befriend and support our first years in the first few months of secondary school life.

They are there to smooth the way and be a friendly supportive face during this transition phase. Peer mentors are presented with a cert of recognition for their commitment to our pastoral care system and wellbeing of our student community.

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Award

The JCPA is a new kind of award. It will replace the Junior Certificate for our current Transition Year/5th Year Students.

It reports on student achievements across a broad range of areas of learning in junior cycle such as personal and social development, cultural, pastoral, scientific, entrepreneurial, participation in musical, school liturgies, membership of Students Council, or membership of school’s sport teams.

BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition Award

The school continues to strive for excellence in all spheres especially in the academic. We promote quality and excellence in teaching and learning. We are very pleased to honour and acknowledge students who have achieved excellence in Science.

Art Award

Art has a role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else. Creativity involves breaking out established patterns in order to look at things differently.

The renaissance genius that was Michangelo once said “I saw the Angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

To the outsider, many feel one has talent so therefore it is easy on them. I can never be that person.

Picasso once said the inspiration/talent does exist but…… it must find you working

There are two awards; one to a Junior and one to a Senior student.

Both students extremely hard working and creative who look at the world through an art lens and see the possibilities of discovery.

This year’s Art Award 2022 is presented for the promotion of the visual Arts in this school and for the highest studio work mark of 2022.

English Literary Awards

Writing is an extreme privilege but it’s also a gift. It’s a gift to yourself and it’s a gift of giving a story to someone else.

The DEAR Programme is in its 10th year and students are actively engaged in reading novels to broaden their horizons and further their knowledge. Our First Year students are involved in the Accelerated Reading programme which complements our DEAR programme (Drop Everything and Read). A number of our students have taken part in literary competitions throughout the year.

This Award will be presented to one Junior and one Senior student for an individual’s dedication and contribution to the written word during their time in this school.

Music Award

Benjamin Franklin said

“Hide not your talents, they for use were made,
What's a sundial in the shade?”

Music award presentation to a student who is gifted and talented in the area of music and gifts with us all at our various school liturgies and school celebrations.

Business Awards:

The Award is to acknowledge a Junior Certificate student who received an A grade in Business


Attendance Award

Research has shown that there is a high correlation between school attendance and academic performance and success.

Learning is a progressive activity; each day’s lesson builds upon those of the previous day. The school is proud of the very good attendance rate of its students.

We wish to acknowledge full attendance and excellent attendance of our students.

John Paul II Award

Students are given recognition for their participation in the John Paull II Programme during the year.

This strives to nurture the spiritual, physical, emotional and social development of each student through their participation in school, parish and community.

Sports Awards

Each year a range of extracurricular sports are organised to enhance skills, team work, school spirit and for the enjoyment of all members in their participation.

Succes, either on the field of play or in examinations doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of hard work and we want to thank each member of the football panels, girls and boys, for the time you put into training and preparing for the games throughout the year and representing Mary Immaculate with pride.

This Award will be presented to a Junior and Senior students that show team work, school spirit and shown commitment and dedication to their sport at a local, district, regional and national level.

Hughie Kivlehan award

This award goes to a student who reflects many of the attributes, values and spirit that Hughie Kivlehan brought to our school for over fourteen years from September 1999 to October 2014. Mr. Kivlehan was our Woodwork and Construction teacher.

He had a special interest and supported students on the edge and those that found school life challenging in some way or another either academically, socially or whatever.

In his memory, and in keeping with our Christian ethos we have put in place an award which represents the care and concern for members of the school community.

CEIST award

Four years ago was the inaugural presentation of the CEIST award, formerly known as the Principal’s Award. It is awarded to a student who reflects the spirit and values of CEIST. To a student who is good at creating community, shows respect for everyone, strives for justice, takes responsibility, and seeks a meaning and purpose to life through developing spirituality and human relationships.

It is given to a student who displays the Mercy ethos in their daily life.

Junior Student of the Year Award

Success Criteria; to show a willingness to be individual, caring, respectful, and generous with their time, courteous, able to form healthy relationships with fellow students and their teachers and other staff members.

They are in effect all round students involved to the best of their ability with study and also in extracurricular activities, at all times representing the school with honour and pride.

Senior Student of the Year Award

Success Critera; Class work, effort, dedication, homework, behaviour, co-operation, most improved and attitude.

To show a willingness to be individual, caring, respectful, and generous with their time, courteous, able to form healthy relationships with fellow students and their teachers and other staff members.

They are in effect all round students involved to the best of their ability with study and also in extracurricular activities, at all times representing the school with honour and pride



Lisdoonvarna, Ireland

The Brody Varna Senior Cycle Award (BVSCA) was created in memory of Brody Varna Bartlett to help with the technological needs of students attending Mary Immaculate Secondary School, as they embark into their Senior Cycle at the school. The recipient(s) of this award will meet requirements that focus on Care, Compassion, and Academic Achievement over their tenure at Mary Immaculate. Students interested in the BVSCA will complete an application that will be reviewed by school administrators as well as Bartlett family, before the selection process is completed.

The gifts of technology to Mary Immaculate Secondary School students are from Jon and Julie Bartlett, who reside in Boston, Massachusetts. The Bartletts were married at Ballintubber Abbey in County Mayo, Ireland. While honeymooning in Ireland, they became fond of Doolin and Lisdoonvarna. Their son Brody Varna (short for Lisdoonvarna), was killed in a car accident. They family has chosen to memorialize Brody with this gift. The family is pleased to have found Mary Immaculate as the beneficiary school, and feel the school’s core values meet with the intentions of the Bartlett family gift. Jon and Julie have two other children, Bridget Doolin and Brexton Jonah.

BVSCA Annual Award

The BVSCA will be presented to a chosen recipient(s). The gifts of technology will be presented annually, subject to change with the communication and approval from the Bartlett family and the school. Prior to the start of each school year, the Bartlett family will notify the school of that years gift funding.

  • A gift of technology will be presented to a female Mary Immaculate student entering Senior Cycle who completes application and merits selection and demonstrates financial need
  • A gift of technology will be presented to a male Mary Immaculate student entering Senior Cycle who has completed the application and merits selection and demonstrates financial need
  • * There could be a 3rd computer presented annually if a student entering Senior Cycle meets the award standards, while also facing obstacles from a disability, or a family member having a disability
  • The type of technology will be recommended by the school, but approved by the Bartlett family, not exceeding (IR£ 1,000.00) per gift recipient. *(CONFIRM IT IS IN IR£)
  • The Bartlett family will gift a check to Mary Immaculate Secondary School and the school will procure the technology, to be presented to the annual recipient

Application Process

  • The school will provide the application to students entering senior cycle
  • The school will designate an application due date, when all applications should be submitted to the school administration
  • The Bartlett family will work alongside the school to review applications. The Bartlett family will submit their top finalist(s) back to the school administration for approval
  • The school will review the finalists submitted by the Bartlett family and determine if those student’s names are worthy for award selection, and that the finalist(s) meet the standards for the award
  • The technology will be presented to the BVSCA winners at the end of the school year award ceremony at Mary Immaculate
  • (Preferably on a certificate, not a physical award.)

Success Critera for the Brody Varna Award

  • These students would have completed their first four years in Secondary school and are about to commence fifth year.
  • Fifth and Sixth years are in their final senior cycle years and it is during this stage of their education that they prepare for their leaving cert exams and decide on their college courses etc.
  • Brody Varna Award would be based on values of: care compassion and academic achievement
  • A Student who embodies that care and compassion for others, while demonstrating success in the classroom.
  • There will be Two recipients of the Awards- One Boy and One Girl
  • Students commencing Senior Cycle.
  • The Students will be presented with a trophy award and complemented with a Laptop for the winning student/s which would sustain them on into further or higher education ensuring that students can fully participate in their learning and engage with all their resources both on and off site

This award will increase their opportunities and motivation to work to their full potential and increase their self-esteem to strive for their dream course and achieve their goals.

05 2025
Mock Exams
11 2025
Transition Year Musical/Play
17 2025
February Mid Term Break
03 2025
Transition Year Work Experience Term 2
04 2025
First Year and TY Parents Teacher Meeting
Mary Immaculate Secondary School,
Co. Clare,

065 707 4266

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2025 Mary Immaculate Secondary School