Mary Immaculate Secondary School

Parents' Association

The school is pleased to announce that a Parents' Association (PA) has been re-established for the benefit of the whole school community. At a general meeting for all parents on the 12 October 2020 a committee was elected and formed. The names, roles and catchment area of the 2020/21 committee members are listed in the link below. Please feel free to get in touch and email the Secretary of the PA on You can always approach a committee member from your locality and they will be happy to help you out.

Parents Association Members October 2020.pdf.

Every parent and guardian of children attending Mary Immaculate are members of the Parents' Association.

The aims of this Association are:

1. To promote and foster co-operation between school and home
2. To give parents representation in school planning
3. To support the educational and welfare interests of the students.

The Association is a forum for parents and a channel for information and support. We are interested in the well-being of our school and wish that no parent feels isolated from the school community. We will be organising and participating in events that bring teachers, pupils and parents together to promote wellness.

Useful links from presentation Laura Burke, Communications and PR Officer: MISS PA AGM Links.pdf

The presentation given by the Parents' Association at the AGM is found at this link. Parent's Association at Mary Immaculate School 2020-1.pdf

Attached at the link below is the inherited and newly adopted Parent Association Constitution which will be guiding the newly formed committee. We would welcome your input to make the association worthwhile for everyone. Your voice is important, so don't hesitate to express your ideas!

Looking forward to a positive collaboration with the entire school community.PA

School Books Grant Scheme for Needy Pupils

The school runs a Book Rental Scheme for our First, Second and Third year students. See application form by clicking here

For Needy Pupils in senior classes please ring the school office to see if any second hand books are available. See relevant circular by clicking here

Click here for the Book Rental Application form for 2019-2020 for first time student and click here for letter re: Book Rental for Second and Third year students.

12 2024
Sixth Year Parent Teacher Meeting
23 2024
Christmas Holidays
16 2025
Fifth Year Parent Teacher Meeting
30 2025
Transition Year Subject Choice Evening
03 2025
St Brigid's Bank Holiday
Mary Immaculate Secondary School,
Co. Clare,

065 707 4266

Ceist- Catholic Education, an Irish schools trust
© 2024 Mary Immaculate Secondary School