The John Hooper Statistical Poster Competition is one of Ireland’s most respected and prestigious schools’ competitions. The competition is named after the first Director of Statistics of the Irish Free State and has become hugely popular with both students and teachers alike. The competition provides an outstanding opportunity for students across the island of Ireland to showcase their data analytical and interpretation skills.
The John Hooper Statistical Poster Competition is a team competition and students must design a poster on any topic that they choose. Teams must comprise 2 or 3 members.
Students who have already worked on and entered a project in another science or statistical competition such as the BT Young Scientist Competition may also participate in CSO competitions subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.
This year six students from Mary Immaculate Secondary School entered the competition. Three teams were entered under the guidance of John Sims. The students involved were Eilidh Lawless, Caoimhe McCarthy, Nicole Bujnowska, Hannah Vaughan, Oisín Jackson and Paddy Lawless.
The results of the competition were announced today (22nd March). We are delighted to say that our students took two of the three prizes in the competition. Nicole Bujnowska and Hannah Vaughan with an entry entitled " An Investigation into the Covering Behaviour of the Purple Sea Urchin " has won second place in the John Hooper Statistical Poster Competition and the poster entered by Eilidh Lawless and Caoimhe McCarthy entitled " Does water temperature affect the righting ability of two species of starfish (Asterias rubens and Asterina gibbosa)?" has won third place!
Congratulations to the two winning teams. What a result for our school.
The students will be presented with their awards at the CSO Awards Ceremony which will be held in Dublin on Tuesday 15 October 2024.